
Russ standing, brrrr... Spring, 1994?
Robert with Russ eating rocks at the summit
Robert, Jim and Nate starting out. June, 1997.
Robert, Nate, Jeff and Jim on the way down.
Nate enjoying the sunrise on Green Butte. Fall, 1997?
Lun nearing the top of Misery Hill. Fall, 1998?
Sunrise on Hotlum-Bolam route. June, 1999.
Nate and Fred reach the rocks.
Fred resting in the early morning sun.
Nate standing.
Gets a bit steep this way.
Flag with some ice on it.
Ted, Lisa, Jeff, Kate, Robert (the pinhead) and Steve on the summit. Fall 1999.
Front: Kate, Jeff. Back: Lisa, Ted, Steve, Scott at the Red Banks on the way down.